What Is Threat Assessment


Threat Assessment


A threat assessment is a process that evaluates the risk of an individual or group posing a danger to themselves or others.This article will explain what a threat assessment is and guide the reader through the identified coercions visible to the Intelligence Community of the United States of America.The Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States of America released the Annual Threat Assessment on the 7th of February 2022. The in-depth analytics gathered by the special agents of this office focuses on the direct and the most immediate threats that the United States could conceivably encounter during the following year.


In the coming year, the Intelligence Community has identified composite and interrelated factors that would directly threaten the development, economy, political stability, and security of the States. These challenges that have grown amidst the global COVID-19 conditions are unswervingly in play with climate change, the strengthening of non-state actors, and evolving technology resources. This report identifies powerful uprising nations like Russia and China as their main adversaries. Further, their stronghold on the new technology, exertion of military power, and economic goals are all assessed under the national interests of the United States. In addition, the inflow of illegal migrations from foreign countries and Latin American areas is also identified as an economic threat to the States.
In this article’s following topics, we will discuss the primary causes highlighted in this report.

China and North Korea’s threat to the States

The Political and Economic agendas of The Chinese Communist Party in play to create a significant force in East Asia and the world will continue to undercut the American influence in the Asian regions surrounding China. However, the threat to the American economy is questioned with China’s policies to reduce and eradicate dependency on foreign technology, ‘ modernize military technology,’ and create inter-focused sustainability.

China appears as an imminent threat as China continues to criticize and attempt to discredit the American influences and reveal America’s failures and hypocrisy to the world because of the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover. Further, China is building and strengthening its relationships with its allied forces in East Asia which is undoubtedly a cult against the U.S.

China’s plan with the pressure to unify Taiwan from relationships with the USA threatens the economy and technological development. If China were to urge Taiwan into an agreement the states would face a break in the supply chain for semiconductor chips as Taiwan is the biggest market dominant for the product.The military capabilities of China, through their highly competitive weaponry development, are a threat to America’s security as China conducts successful and strong nuclear missile projects and space warfare.

Further to make matters more drastic they have also begun using cyber powers to threaten security as China is more than capable of pursuing America through Cyberwarfare. The report explicitly states that- ‘Beijing conducts cyber intrusions that affect the U.S. and non-U.S. citizens beyond its borders—such as hacking journalists—to counter perceived threats to the CCP and tailor influence efforts.’Under these circumstances, it is clear that China will continue to be a driving force of danger to the States in the long term.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is known for his agenda of military growth through nuclear and technology. Out of these, the biggest threat to any of Korea’s enemy nations would be his Intercontinental Ballistic Missile testing initiative (ICBM). The Intelligent Community anticipates that North Korea’s methods of power assertion will be acceptable in other nations. Under these circumstances, the North Korean influence is guaranteed to cause damage to the political and national stability in the U.S.North Korea further keeps pressuring South Korea to disrupt the US-South Korea relationship. If Kim’s plan successfully cuts ties with Korea completely, America will no longer have an inflow of counterintelligence from Korea.

Russia as a threat

The report produced clearly states that they do not view Russia as a direct threat to the U.S. Forces. Russia’s national goals include an accommodating negotiation between them and the U.S. However, it is also placed that these friendly non- violent initiatives of Russia are a ploy to infiltrate and spread Russian influence through nations and subtly establish their power within powerful countries worldwide.

The Ukraine incident during the past year is a strong reason that leads to the clarification that Russia is not hesitant to use its military forces against nations that attempt to appear as a threat to them. Russian officials always believed that the United States tries to destabilize Russian power and spread US-friendly policies in their administrations. Therefore, Russia’s actions within the Ukrainian borders are a solid demonstration of its military power and influence on the rest of the world.

Russia is currently engaging in a long-term ploy to exert its power in the Middle East, Africa, Syria, Libya, and Sudan to undermine and undercut the American influence in these areas in a powerful attempt to gain control and defuse Russian influence in those regions. This is analyzed for ‘military power’ and ‘economic opportunities for Russia.Russia already has a very powerful economical dominance in the supply of energy. It is estimated that Russia will continue to use this as a foreign policy tool in negotiating with other nations to ally with him and also to draw America into various agreements that befits their agendas.Just as much as China and North Korea, Russia is highly focused on space exploration to strengthen research and development, missile placement, and launch cyber-attacks.

Global threats affecting the USA

The Threat Assessment Report discusses the effects of global changes that may affect their demography. The rate of infectious diseases at the counterbalance of the COVID-19 virus has increased, and it is evaluated that such conditions are more vulnerable to spread through the rising populations within the dense communities. The threat to the security of food, water, and health is a challenge for the mortality rate and the healthcare of the U.S.

These are anticipated to strain the healthcare systems into overworking and exceeding the capacities that already exist within the system. With food insecurity rising to more than 270 Million in 2020, this is a real threat to the well-being of a nation. This is all viewed as a result of the global pandemic that led to economic fallout and a reduction in production.COVID-19 changed the course of many countries and communities. This anticipation of the effects of COVID -19 settling into the infrastructure of the economy and wellbeing of the nation as a whole is a challenge that has to be met with great care and a threat that has to be everted if not eradicated.These factors provide a glimpse of the threats that the United States of America could expect and prepare for in the coming year. With the ongoing economic challenges, it is imminent that these powerful influences and effects are contained using diplomatic and educated methods.
