Is There an Affordable Car?


When buying a car, you’ll likely ask yourself, “How many cars can I afford?”

Financial specialists respond to this question with a straightforward generalization. Vehicle purchasers should allocate 10% of their gross income to a vehicle loan payment and 20% to all car-related expenses, such as petrol, insurance, and repairs.

After determining your monthly car payment, you can determine how much you can borrow for an auto loan. This will allow you to establish a reasonable price objective and solve the problem of “What car can I afford?”

Utilize our car affordability calculator to determine what fits your budget rapidly.


1.Recognize your financial resources.

Before deciding how much to spend on a vehicle, you must precisely understand your financial resources. Because a car you can afford is one, you can purchase with cash, when we refer to “money,” we mean cold, hard currency.

The text you just read is accurate. It would help if you completely abandoned obtaining a car loan. Do you want a costly car payment to be a modern-day ball and chain for the next six years? When you finance or lease a vehicle, you spend thousands more.

If you are still trying to decide, use our auto payment calculator to estimate how much more a car loan would cost. It is sufficient to induce you to avoid making an auto loan payment.

2.Determine the type of automobile you can afford.

Typically, the most affordable automobile is a used model. We are conscious of this. Buying a brand-new car with that new-car smell seems preferable (and more pleasurable). But by doing so, you squander so much money! You should only consider purchasing a brand-new automobile if you have a net worth of at least $1 million.

The autos lose value rapidly. After one year, a vehicle loses roughly 20% of its initial value. (And if you have children, you know they’ll inevitably spill grape juice all over your brand-new car.)

It would be best to consider the cost of maintaining your vehicle. Some automobiles, especially those manufactured outside the United States, are more expensive to repair or require more costly parts. You may have had your eye on an SUV, but your commute is lengthy, and it is a petroleum guzzler. Also imprudent is the assumption that a hybrid vehicle will save you money. Just consider the total cost of vehicle ownership, not just the initial cost.

3.Be mindful of your deadline.

When do you anticipate purchasing a new vehicle? If your car breaks down unexpectedly and you need a way to get around immediately, determine if you need to use money from your emergency fund or if it would be preferable to repair the vehicle instead of purchasing a new one.

If not, you’ll have to settle for whatever you can presently afford (because, as you may recall, we’re not discussing auto payments). It is conceivable that you will not be able to leave in the vehicle of your choice (at least not yet). However, if you are confident that your car is fully paid off, you will feel much better while traveling.

Alternatively, if you still have a functional vehicle, continue to use it while you save one dollar per day for the replacement.

Save money to purchase the car you desire.

It can be challenging to save for a car without understanding where your money is going. However, this is where a budget enters into play! If you take the time to plan your finances, you’ll reach your objectives more quickly.

The EveryDollar budgeting tool allows you to enter your income, expenses, debt payments readily, and other information to determine how much you can set aside each month for a car.
