England’s Latest Economic Consequences


After weeks of facing the calamity of self-inflicted wounds, Liz Truss the shortest serving Prime Minister of the Conservative Party resigned from her position due to strong backlash from her fellow Ministers of Parliament and the general public.

After Boris Johnson stepped down from his chaotic scandalous era of governing, Liz Truss entered the contest and succeeded her competition Rishi Sunak with over 57 percent of member votes. Her policies included absurd tax cuts which indefinitely had major negative economic consequences. Her policies towards substantial economic growth were better suited for utopian times where no global energy and living crisis is happening in the world. However, for these times, she relinquished the completely rational idea to cut down energy and instead she pledged to provide power, which would, in turn, if permitted, would cause blackouts in winter when energy would be of utmost importance.


Her reputation preceded her as she was explicated as a woman who did not listen to the rational voices of the people around her. One notable such event was when she fired the experienced government advisor Louse Thompson, who warned her about the dangers of her political agendas. Her abuse of power finally after causing so much panic and damage to the nation that she finally had to say goodbye. Many members of the party claimed that she misused her power as the Prime Minster and her actions went as far as making her political party seem more unsteady than they are.

After 44 days her regime ended and now this week the new Prime Minister is to be appointed. Here we have a new face that would likely make or break the entire system- many anticipate for the better. Rishi Sunak ascended the vacant spot after Truss’s resignation as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. At his latest public appearance after the announcement, he failed to mention his exact detailed plans for the country to address the ongoing economic and political crisis. There is still an unsteady idea of how he would most likely govern through his regime as the leader. After losing Britain’s integrity because of the tax cuts, Sunak has the task of re-instating that lost credibility in front of the global political audience.

Looking into Sunak’s history as a member of parliament some significant shortfalls in his policymaking give way to some reasonable scepticism regarding his plans for the country. During his time as the Financial Minister, his policies led to Britain’s biggest tax burden since the 1950s

However, in a very cultural context, Rishi Sunak’s taking up of office is significant to many. Sunak who is of Indian origin is recorded to be the youngest Prime Minister to be appointed at the age of 42. This step is significant to people not just in the UK but all people of the world.

Many nations including India are aware of the dark ages of British colonial rule, the history of the xenophobic and racist imperialism that spread throughout many parts of the world is hard to forget. After 75 years of decolonizing India, the United Kingdom now has a Hindu Prime Minister. This is a large stand for people suppressed by this imperialism for so long. The representation in itself is celebratory as even India celebrates this stance. The Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi expressed his congratulations on transforming ‘our historic ties into a modern partnership’ in his Twitter message.

This is the first time that someone of Asian Heritage made it to one of the top chairs in Britain. It can be identified as one of the biggest steps for a country that was once governed over and terrorized by British rule for over 100 years. Social Media blew up with reminisces of colonialism and its aftereffects on Indians and many celebrated the news of this. The significance of this appointment comes in an imperialistic sense it is known that throughout history Britain ‘systematically excluded’ Indians from upper jobs. Further President Biden referred to this incident as a’ ground-breaking milestone’. All this strongly suggests that people have not forgotten the hand that they’ve been dealt, but also this is a significant indication that Britain has let go of many of its own imperialistic ways and is now slowly dropping its systematic racism.

Having a leader of an ethnic minority has a sense of personal safety to the people who are anxious about being treated differently. This ethnical representation and the diversification of the Parliament of Britain are vital in the growth of a country and to living down the somewhat downgrading reputation Britain has built in its years as a colonizing white nation.

In conclusion, Sunak’s appointment is also a sign of instability as he is as much the first ethnic minority representative, he is also the third Prime Minister in 2022. There is much Rishi Sunak has to work on, and he is already facing a lot of backlashes even before the real work has begun. The country has already begun to lose its confidence in the leadership because of past events and it will take a miracle to win back that public support.
